paint a thousand words

All our professional journalist trainers are current or former specialists in the media. They have backgrounds in print and broadcast with national newspapers, the BBC, ITN and Sky News with local, regional, national and international experience. We’ve put together a TV interview training session to help you deliver the perfect broadcast interview.


The advantages of giving live interviews are enormous.

In comparison with a recorded interview, where you give away editorial control to the journalist who will pick and choose which bits they use, with a live interview you re-take editorial control. What you say goes directly to the audience.

The issue here is not in editorial control but in making the most out of your TV interview opportunity. As long as you’re prepared, know what it is you want to say and you create the opportunity to actually say it, then there really is very little that can go wrong.

Live interviews will only grow in importance and popularity. Make yourself and your corporate spokespersons comfortable with them with our expert help.

Why Choose BMS?

The BMS media training team has decades of industry experience with the BBC, ITV, regional TV and Sky.

We can’t change your personality and wouldn’t want to. Our job is not to fit a square peg in a round hole but to help make the best of what you have and, most importantly, ensure that what you say resonates with your audiences and is remembered.

We are also one of the few media training companies in the UK to have our course independently accredited by the CPD Standards Office (Continuing Professional Development). For you it means a guarantee of the quality of our training and ensuring that standards across BMS are kept high and consistent.

Call us now on 0115 955 3989 to discuss your requirements or fill in our online form to receive a quote.

Who we work with


BMS has worked with many FTSE 250 companies and their corporate communications teams to put their Gold Command team under the most realistic extreme pressure.