In 2015, the government introduced the ‘Teaching Excellence Framework’ (TEF) to try and drive up the quality of teaching in higher education institutions.
We at BMS thrive on bringing unique creative solutions to industry developments such as the TEF. We are experts at understanding what you want to say and who you want to say it to, so we’ve put together a Teacher Excellence Training course to help evaluate and challenge the mind-set of academics when performing and delivering lectures and seminars.
What Is Involved in Teacher Excellence Training?
This course aims to stimulate debate and ultimately improve delivery with a variety of practical exercises.
BMS provides training sessions that encourage lecturers to think about their lectures and the way they deliver them. The sessions are split in equal measure between theory and practicals.
There are many delivery styles; some calm and composed; some very animated; some extremely passionate. All are perfectly good ways of presenting. It’s important to say that our purpose is not to cast every lecturer into the same mould. Instead we try to add to their repertoire of delivery methods. It’s an intense but ultimately rewarding session for all involved.
One of the main points we focus on is the retention of information. Our ability to recall information after a short period of time is sketchy at best. Helping students to improve in this area is vital, as is performance and presentation.
So, we will watch as each academic delivers their chosen subject matter. We film, dissect, analyse and creatively nurture experienced academics to improve their delivery style and think about how they present material.
BMS will focus on helping the presenter to project, use intonation, use pace and poise for impact and employ many more tips and tricks to ensure that the audience consumes and mostly remembers the main points made in the lecture or seminar.
BMS can’t change your personality but with our extensive broadcasting and communication experience, we can help make the best of what you have and, most importantly, ensure that what you say resonates with any audiences and is remembered.
Ultimately, BMS aims to help promote excellent teaching.